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Burnham Market - Friday

30-March-2018 19:09
in General
by Admin

Very luckily it is all go at Burnham Market today, anywhere else in the county would have been cancelled and often the ground at Burnham Market can be firm so this year it has managed to survive.

I have done some dressage today in the 3 star and overall I was very satisfied.  

Fernhill Pimms is lying in fourth place, on a score of 25.  He did some very good work with one or two little exuberances.  So his performance was very encouraging.  It is the first time he has done an Advanced test since Burghley 2015 so he was probably a little bit surprised to be asked some questions.  

The scoring system this year is very different with no coefficient, so a mark of 25 works out with a percentage score of 75, so the marking is the same as it is at a normal BE event.  It is quite a good idea but it is hard to work out what his FEI mark would have been in the old system.  But the scores are obviously sounding much better and the scores are also much closer together putting more emphasis on the jumping disciplines. 

Luxury FH was also having his second run of the year and did a pretty good test to score 31.  There were a few movements that didn't quite come off which would have been expensive so I was very encouraged that he managed to score so well.

Little Fire also did some super work, interspersed with the odd exuberant moment, so I was pleased he got well rewarded for his good bits with a score of 28, and is lying in 16th place.  The company is good, the section is big and I am very happy with that performance at this time of year.

Burnham Market are doing their best and coping with the wet spring.  But it is a big shame they are running Advanced classes before the 3* classes, and tomorrow they are running 2* in the morning and 3* last, so unfortunately the main section will get the worst of the ground.  So I am hoping that at five o'clock tomorrow afternoon the course will still be goable.

The ground is currently ok but it is chewing up and it is quite tacky, and certainly the show jumping will probably suffer a bit as well as they day progresses.  The dressage ground today was absolutely perfect and I have never known the ground so good at Burnham in the dressage, so you can't have everything.

Rumour has it that Portman has already been cancelled next Tuesday so the young horses will miss out again, but we will confirm that when we get official notification.




© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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