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Osberton - Saturday

29-September-2018 9:07
in General
by Admin

Friday - Day 2 of dressage at Osberton went pretty much to plan. 


Graffenacht was on first and she performed a lovely test which was very grown up and regular and she coped well with the atmosphere. She scored 26.5 which had her in overnight lead.


Georgisaurous was doing his first ever 2* test and also put in a pretty good effort to lie in overnight third on 28.  He also did some lovely work but to be critical it looked like he was trying a bit too hard.





So today kicked off bright and early this morning with Ludo’s 1* cross country.  Going cross country in a three-day before 9am just doesn’t somehow feel right.  Ludo got the day off to a great start, he got a lovely clear inside the time. And there has been no change to the leaderboard in the 1* so he is still in 8th place.


Atlantic Vital Spark also had a very pleasing run cross country giving me a great clear and I got 0.4 of a time fault being a bit slack.  He coped really well with the 2* speed which he had obviously never done before and I took him all the directs and he finished full of running which is very exciting for his future.  He has moved up a dramatic three places.  The course was overall a bit straightforward and didn’t cause too many problems.  There was one tricky combination towards the end on a double of corners followed by a skinny but it was of no concern to Ted.  He was bouncing around the lorry park tonight so I hope he has got some energy for his jumping tomorrow.


Georgisaurous was show jumping in the main arena which was quite a big deal for him, and he jumped a lovely round, unluckily just rolling the last fence.


Grafennacht was not on her best form and I think was affected by the atmosphere in the arena quite significantly.  She very untypically knocked the first fence down and got some time faults to finish with 10 penalties. So she has dropped completely out of the reckoning.  However scores are so tight that once she had the pole down she was completely out of the top 20.


Once fence down tomorrow in the 1* moves me down to 46, which is going to make the jumping all the more exciting!




© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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