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South of England

29-September-2013 22:11
in General
by Admin

Saturday went really well for the novices. Deli Dynamic secured his second win in a row in the open novice. He did a good test of 29 and jumped an excellent double clear. He gave me a great ride cross country, making it all feel really easy.

Top Biats led the dressage in his arena on 26. He jumped a lovely round show jumping but I took him quietly cross country as Lion is his next outing.

Topaz du Plain did a very good dressage this week and was much more settled to score 25 which left him in second. He had one fence down but jumped very well. His cross country round was really solid. Although he is green he is getting more and more confident, and with a few time faults, he finished 6th.

It was the intermediates turn today. The highlight was Avoca Alibi winning the OI. He did a superb dressage of 19 and show jumped clear. I had much more control this week and he got 7.6 time faults xc. He felt very good, and the result was much deserved reward for his owner Niki Ryan who has put so much work into getting him back into top form. He has now come home with me, and we are hoping he will get into Boekelo but he is a little way down the wait list.

Bay My Hero finished 2nd. He also did a very good and relaxed test to get 17 which had him in 3rd place behind Prada and Gaucho. He jumped a good clear show jumping and was fantastic xc getting 11 time faults.

Gaucho led the dressage on 16!  I must add that there were a lot of low marks, but it was very satisfying to be at the head of affairs with some  very good horses in the section. He also jumped a super clear show jumping and I then decided not to run him xc. He has had enough good runs this summer and heads to Boekolo a week tomorrow.

Jenny and Tim Nolan and their team did a  great job as usual, organising an action packed two days. Ardingly is a very popular autumn venue with its' excellent atmosphere and decent tracks.





© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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