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Fox-Pitt Clinic

27-February-2017 16:16
in General
by Admin


We have just had our first clinic at Wood Lane Stables this last weekend which overall was a great success.  


We were very lucky with the full turnout and conditions were pretty favourable as well.  We had a big variety of horse and rider standards but I felt everyone fitted very well into their lesson, and will hopefully have come away with things to learn.  We we very fortunate also that the people who came really made the most of it, it was a bit of an equestrian bonanza.


As you know it was not just about riding as we had Jackie spreading her expertise, these lectures were very well attended which bodes well for the future.  We also had Kelly doing some very valuable Pilates education.


It was excellent that we had a great turnout from some sponsors.  Jeep were there with a huge presence, and hopefully it was worthwhile as there was a lot of interest in the vehicles.  


Also a big thank you to Equilibrium and Horseware for their support which was very well received.


Obviously it was a big effort putting it on and big thanks must go to Michelle in the office, Tim and his sons for all their work with the car parking, it was quite a tight fit but it all fitted in well which is a good sign for the future.  Thanks to Steve for the very professional sound system which worked brilliantly, and all the spectators benefited from being able to hear everything.  Thanks also to Sasha from the Club, and Emma for the fabulous lunches.


It was our first effort so it was a learning process, and although lots of things weren't perfect, it was good to see that everything fitted in.  We welcome everyone's feedback to know what people want.


Going forward it is something that we hope to put on again so it is good to know it has a big future.






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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