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Millstreet - Cross country day

26-August-2018 10:20
in General
by Admin

It was great that cross country day went all to plan. I was riding Oratorio first and as I said he has always been here for Blenheim preparation so I never intended on going for speed. But he felt very much better and relaxed and gave me a very polished clear.  At Hartpury he was a little bit more exuberant whereas here I felt that he was on track.  I hadn't wanted to let him go because I want him to be relaxed and happy for Blenheim.  I think I was one of the slowest but there is nothing new there.


Yes I Can was also having his last run before the 8/9yo class at Blenheim, and I was keen for him to have a run after Gatcombe.  He had gone really well at Gatcombe and here was a very decent track but also quite educational, and I have felt it was a very good run for him to have had. 


The courses generally rode well.  There were a few hiccups particularly at the Irish bank, we don't meet many of those these days and many horses just seemed to belly flop.  There were four waters, coffins, banks, skinnies and corners so it was a very educational run.  With so many entries it was predictable they would still be going cross country after 7pm.


Rio is on good form today and I am hoping he jumps better than at Hartpury!








© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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