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24-August-2013 22:16
in General
by Admin
The show jumping at Blair was a bit frustrating with each of the three having a fence down. However, they all jumped good rounds and Running Order was particularly unlucky to have the very last fence down. This dropped them down the order a little bit, but they were still very much in contention. I was really pleased with Gaucho who tackled the cross country brilliantly, I didn't hurry him too much so 16 time faults dropped us down the order. However he felt very good and coped well with the hills and gave me a really good ride. Running Order gave me an excellent cross country and was just 3 seconds over the optimum time, to secure fourth place. He is a fantastic galloper and was well suited to the Blair undulations and a good run today has given him an ideal Blenheim preparation. I pulled Parklane Hawk up half way around the course which was the plan. He hasn't had a run for so long I was keen to give him the run but decided to avoid running him down the steep hill after the first water. He felt very good and was very relieved to at least finally find himself in the stat box. Harry Dzenis had an excellent day on Dromgurrihy Blue. He jumped a superb double clear securing his qualification for Blair next month, and he was delighted with how Rocky performed. I was particularly pleased with Tom Grant who is based with us, he completed his first ever CIC3* with a lovely clear cross country. He sadly had a very unfortunate fall on Connor but luckily both horse and rider are ok.




© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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