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Pau - Dressage day 1

23-October-2014 16:33
in General
by Admin


Cookie got Pau off to an excellent start with a lovely test and a score of 41.8

I was very pleased with how he went, I think the test was even better than last years, and to get decent marks second into the arena is always quite a relief.  He is in second place at the end of the first day.


Parker is on tomorrow afternoon, and is feeling on good form. 


The cross country course is very similar to last year but just a little bit further.

We are doing circles at both first and last water fences which will be very time consuming and will certainly break up the rhythm.  Other than that the course looks very typical with plenty of arrow heads and corners, and some difficult lines.


There are surprisingly few horses here with only 35 starters, but this is probably a result of many horses competing at the World Championships.









© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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