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Gatcombe Day 1

22-March-2014 17:06
in General
by Admin


We had a very happy day at Gatcombe with the Novices, with all three jumping excellent double clears.

Topaze was much more relaxed and settled, and scored 31 in the dressage with a few minor mistakes.  He then jumped very well and enjoyed his first cross country run of the season.  I took him quite quietly for 10 time faults which put him just out of the money.
The Soapdodger also did a pleasing test, with a couple of small mistakes which cost him a few points, and he ended up on 34.  His excellent jump came to the fore in the show jumping as it had got quite muddy.  He jumped a very good clear cross country on which is his first novice start, earning his first ever BE point!
Reinstated got the best score of 29 with a very relaxed test. I was thrilled with his clear show jumping as it was certainly the biggest course he has ever jumped.  He was as excellent cross country, also earning his first BE point.  He really seems to be taking it all in very easily.
We are back again tomorrow with five Intermediates.  The ground was pretty good and it had coped well with recent heavy rain. 




© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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