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21-March-2015 19:43
in General
by Admin

We had a good day at Aldon, and it was fairly busy with five horses.  

Charlie and Ethan organised the day like clockwork and we managed to be finished by 1pm, which was the idea so that our departure for Lincoln would not be too late.

The Soapdodger was in the open novice and put in a good solid performance with a 29 double clear.  I was very happy with him, and after one more novice next weekend he will move up to intermediate.

Reinstated did a good test of 27, jumped clear, but then managed to incur 20 penalties spooking at the second last cross country fence.  That is his first ever cross country penalty which is frustrating.  He has got Gatcombe intermediate at the weekend which he is more than ready for.

Ramdam de Mons, also heading to his first intermediate at Gatcombe, had a very good day with 27 in the dressage and double clear.

Little Fire had another very useful run in the novice, his dressage is improving all the time and I was pleased with his 31.  Although he jumped clear in the show jumping he was given 4 penalties for a resistance when he had a big spook at some flags (quite mean I thought). I was thrilled with his cross country as this was a decent track for him and he couldn't have coped better.

Dynasty was more settled this weekend scoring 30 in the dressage, he had one pole in the show jumping also being a little spooked by some flags.  He then went really well cross country taking it all in his stride.  

I took all the horses quite steadily, the ground was very variable and there were quite a lot of gravel tracks and the usual decent hills.  They did however learn a lot from the course, and it was lovely to have another event running in fantastic conditions.

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© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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