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17-June-2013 10:02
in General
by Admin

 Luhmuhlen ended on a very good note yesterday afternoon with Neuf Des Coeurs & Lionheart both jumping superb clear rounds in the show jumping to move up to finish in 3rd & 4th place respectively.


Both horses finished on their dressage scores and I couldn't have asked any more of them.  The show jumping was a big, demanding track and only 10 of the final 31 starters jumped clear rounds.  To have two of them was very satisfying. 


It was excellent to see Zara Phillips finish so well on High Kingdom.  She thoroughly deserved the result and was unlucky not to win.  It was very sad to see Opposition Buzz take a horrible fall with Nicola Wilson coming out of the first water.  He was so unfortunate to trip up the step and then fall over the boat house, narrowly missing landing on Nicola.  Knowing how reliable he is across country made it even more unbelievable to see.  Poor Nicola was amazingly philosophical and hopefully they will not be too sore in a couple of days time.  We wish them both a quick recovery.


Julia Otto and her team did a great organising job and did everything to ensure a happy and action packed weekend.  We were very lucky with the weather, an inch and a half of rain fell on Thursday night and we only got wet with a heavy downpour towards the end of cross country day - Lion and I took refuge in the stables until it passed!


I flew back from Germany last night so that I could get some horses ridden today.  Jackie, India and the horses are due back later this morning having driven through the night. 


Oli, Tom and I leave tomorrow to go to Scotland where we are having a week in the Outer Hebrides with friends for a belated 40th celebration for Alice, who drove up with all our gear on Sunday.  Lets hope the weather holds and we have some fun!


For the full results form Luhmuhlen click here.




© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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