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Teaching in USA

16-November-2016 18:06
in General
by Admin

Sacramento, Temecula and Virginia


I have just got back from a very enjoyable and busy teaching trip in the US. 


My first four days were organised by Scott Hayes across in California, I was very lucky to be able to use some fantastic facilities at Dragonfire Farm belonging to Jen & Earl McFall, I was teaching all standards of riders who event, some more experienced than others, but a great bunch who enjoyed the experience.


My second clinic was in Temecula at Hawley Bennett's base - Sweet Oaks Ranch, where the amazing rocky landscape offered a fabulous backdrop. This had terrific facilities, very good arena and cross country course, and where people very much chose what they wanted to work on.  We had a few more top riders on this clinic and some who had amazingly kept their horses out especially to bring to the clinic.  The hospitality there was also very generous and we had a couple of very enjoyable evenings thanks to Hawley and her team.


Then it was up to Washington DC for three days with Kelly Gage at the Great Meadow Foundation.  The facility there was again a terrific venue with a great big all weather arena, and we had some glorious sunny weather up in the 80’s which was completely out of character.  Great Meadows is where they had the CIC World Cup competition in the summer for which British riders went over, it is a big equestrian centre and run by Bob Hilton and Teresa Condon.  I was kept busy and out of trouble and it was great that we had so many takers for the clinic.  Many had waited so patiently since I had to cancel last year following my injury.


That was obviously a ten day round trip which passed by very quickly, and I am booked to go back to do a bit more in the States in December, which  includes talking at the US Eventing Convention as well as more teaching.






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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