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Chatsworth results

15-May-2016 18:29
in General
by Admin

Chilli kept onto his lead in the show jumping which was very pleasing and jumped a lovely clear round with just one time fault. I then decided to run him cross country as I thought the course was good and so was the ground. Yogi Breisner felt it was a good idea to have Chatsworth under his belt, so that all our eggs weren't in the Bramham basket.


Chilli felt as good as ever cross country and gave me a super round but I took him quietly and got 30 time faults.


Cool Mountain was disappointingly nervous in the dressage and did a few uncharacteristic mistakes. He was also uncharacteristically down the order in 30th place. His great clear show jumping moved him up to 18th, but as he was not in the hunt for a prize we decided not to run him cross country. This was always our plan if he was not in serious contention, as sadly his owner Teresa Stopford-Sackville couldn't be here to watch anyway.


The course rode well, the ground held up not too badly at all. The steep hill had been taken out of the course and I really felt it was Ian Starks top course that he has designed here. It was perhaps a little bit easier than previous years but still gave us plenty to think about.


The ERM section was a huge success with real interest, it was certainly very hard work for all the team dealing with the new ground covered, but people were very encouraged and excited about it's future.


Sadly for the British riders the French finished first, second and third, so we have our work cut out at Bramham.


It was a very enjoyable weekend and we were very blessed with good weather and improving conditions. There was also a new layout to the show ground which worked very well.


Great photos by Chantal Crosby





© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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