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Teaching in the USA

14-December-2016 17:17
in General
by Admin

I have just returned from my second visit this year to the States, and it all went well.  I was doing an appearance for Equistro through Gautier Bedouin. It was very interesting being there and seeing an unbelievable number of equestrian products, and it was great to meet lots of interesting people.  I then went up to Aiken to visit Barry Oliff and to have a look at his courses.  This year he ran his first Advanced in October and he is looking next year at producing an Intermediate track, but it needs building from scratch.  Stable View is an incredible centre and I have been there before, but it was very strange this time to see it completely empty - my last visit there was to host a busy clinic, so it looked very different.  I then went to Ocala for a days teaching with the Trayfords.  They have created a perfect facility there with a brand new cross country course.   I was kept quite busy with the teaching and all went well.  I then travelled down to Miami to speak at the US Eventing Association Annual Convention.  I was speaking in front of a big crowd which made me feel quite tense, but all went well.  Everyone was very friendly  and I probably ended up talking far too much.  I had a quiet day on Sunday, and spent most of it shopping for the family before flying home arriving back on Monday.  

We have got a few more horses back in work now and the yard is getting a bit busier.  The main focus is still on Celia Plunkett’s point-to-pointers which we have got in this year to help out while Celia recovers from her broken pelvis.  Things will hopefully quieten down between Christmas and New Year, and it will be all-systems-go on New Years Day.
I have had a couple of fun days hunting on Sparky, who has been brilliant.  I didn’t get to hunt him last season so he is particularly happy to be out again.  Sadly at the moment Alice is not hunting because she has had her appendix out and wants to stay in one piece for the Christmas festivities.
It is all a big change on the staff front; normally the winter is time when things do change but we have lost Charlie, who has decided to move on.  We have been so lucky to have had her back helping Jackie with the yard management, we have now got our work cut out finding a replacement to start in a early January.  


I am going to Olympia to see Vallegro off, it will be a very emotional evening.


We are looking forward to the Club Open Day on Tuesday, it will be a good chance to catch up and look at some of the horses for the New Year, in their winter woollies.





© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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