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WEG and Blenheim

12-September-2018 17:33
in General
by Admin

Kazu is now out in Tryon and as planned I made a trip out to give him a hand, but it turned out to be rather short lived with the forecast hurricane.  Tryon certainly looks an impressive venue with endless arenas, stables and facilities but things are disorganised and surprisingly chaotic.


Luckily Taco is on good form, and he is absolutely ready for his dressage test tomorrow when he goes first for Team Japan.  I had hoped to be out there for another day and walk the course, and work again, but that was not possible with all flights predicted to be cancelled out of Charlotte.  


So Team GB I can report are in very good spirits, and all horses are well.  Very sadly for Tina she has been told that she is running in the Individual slot which I think is quite an extraordinary choice.  Normally the person in the Individual slots at a Championship are there for experience for the future, and I am very sure Tina doesn’t fall into that category.  


With no time for jet lag I am back in the UK and at Blenheim just with Oratorio II in the 3*.  He is in very good form but the park at Blenheim is the driest I have ever seen it, and the going on cross country needs some serious attention.  On first look the course looks very similar to last year, but I wont be making any decisions until I see how the ground is on Saturday morning.  We need a lot of water and a lot of spiking.  I have decided not to bring my CIC horses and I am hoping to run Little Fire in the 3* next week at Waregem.  Surely we might have had some rain by then?


However all eyes will be on WEG and I believe there is live streaming on Saturday and I am sure Blenheim will be covering it all.





© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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