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Tweseldown day two

08-March-2019 14:08
in General
by Admin

We had a good second day at Tweseldown....

Georgisaurous was in the ON and did a very nice test of 26.  He was very on his toes to be on grass for the first time, the warmup is right next to the road and he is not a huge fan of vehicles so he was slightly lively but he went into the arena and did a very decent test.  He jumped a very good clear giving me a nice feel and jumping properly.  He gave me a good clear cross country and was fairly electric over the first half of the course but he relaxed nicely towards the end which bodes well for next time.

Summer at Fernhill was in a better frame of mind than when he started last autumn and did a very decent test to score 31.  He would have got a lot better mark if he hadn’t decided to canter through the whole trot serpentine.  Apart form touching one fence he ballooned around the show jumps, and on the cross country he felt great, was a bit of a double handful but very quick and clever.

Day two at Tweseldown was going very well, the Novice course rode nicely but it was quite strange to jump a course these days without a single skinny or a single corner.  We were very lucky with a beautiful morning and I was all finished by 1020, so it was another early start, I must tell Ann Allen that I am a bit of a fan of a lie in!




© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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