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New season update

08-February-2019 17:51
in General
by Admin

I cannot believe we are in February already and the season is around the corner.  February passes in a flash and we will be at Tweseldown before we know it.  I am sadly not starting my season at Moreton, as usual, as I have been invited to compete at an event in Aiken USA, but Tweseldown is certainly soon enough.  The yard has got quite a decent entry there of 9 horses entered; I have got 6, Kazu’s got 2 and Adam has got 1.  


The new team is now in place, I will introduce you to them next week. We have a great team which is exciting and who will be a lot of fun.


I have got 8 horses to compete this season which doesn’t seem very many but I am sure it will keep me busy.  Aiden and Rio are on good form and had their first visit from Tracey Robinson today, starting the dressage ‘drilling’.  Next week Ros Morgan is down for jumping training, and the days are filling up fast.


The horses fitness is coming on well, they are now cantering and jumping and starting a bit of fast work.  We are a little bit ahead of the game in case we have any set backs.


We have been so lucky with the winter weather which has overall be incredibly kind and dry, however the snow and cold last week did limit us to the indoor for a couple of days, but I can’t claim that as a hardship.


The clinics I have been doing have been going well, I had one with Rachel White in Swansea last week, and I have got Paul Gaff this week, then I am off to France the following weekend.


Dicky Waygood has been down to discuss the podium rider training plans for 2019, and I am still working closely with Kate Davis on my fitness.  


We are still pleased to be working with Jeep, and I am hoping they will carry on into 2020, otherwise we have got the task of finding a replacement.


Over the next few weeks some of the owners will be down to see their horses, and it will be great to catch up with them, and for them to see how we are preparing for the busy season ahead.






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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