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07-March-2013 19:27
in General
by Admin

Sadly it was a pretty grey and grim day at Tweseldown today but spirits were not dampened and it was very exciting to be out with some of the more experienced horses.  


Oslo was having his first run after his injury last year so it was a big day and he was certainly pleased to be out, as were his owners.  He scored 27.3 in the dressage which was pleasing considering how fresh he felt. He did a lovely clear show jumping and jumped the cross country very happily, feeling fantastic and picking up 23.2 time penalties to finish 8th.


Chill Morning was also feeling in top form after a good test of 27.7 and one down show jumping.  He was very keen across country and I had to anchor him once or twice as there was not a lot in the way of questions on the course to make him think.  He picked up 19.2 time penalties and finished 10th. I am thrilled with how he is feeling and looking so it is not surprising that he is bursting out of his skin.  


I ran Freddie Mac in the OI instead of Bay My Hero, who has frustratingly had a minor setback.  It was Freddie's first time up against the grown ups in an OI section and he more than held his own to finish 9th.  He is still a little on edge early in the season but despite that did seem lovely work to score 32.7 in the dressage. He then jumped a very professional double clear giving me a great feel across country, jumping well within himself and picking up 16 time faults.


My last two rides of the day Before Time and Running Order got a bit unlucky with the deteriorating ground, which was unfortunate. Running Order did a very relaxed, soft test to score 28.2 and Before Time was very tense to score 40.9. They then had three and four fences down each which was just one of those things, not worth pondering on and they more than made up for it in the cross country with good but steady clears.  I had been waiting for my first ride on Running Order with great anticipation so it was both fantastic to have had him out and a huge releif!  I was very happy with his performance overall, it was just a shame that his first event in the UK was in fairly horrible conditions.


With the loss of the P2P at Tweseldown the course ran much more on the race track which was fantastic. Though soft, the ground was level and flowing and largely avoided several of the old fences where you take off and land in a sand pit.  It was obviously a lot of work to make the changes but really appreciated by the riders.


We head back to Tweseldown tomorrow with four Novices; Henton For Fun, Shacklesborough, Brass Monkey having his second outing and first Novice run & Deli Star Hero in the Open Novice. 





© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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