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04-May-2013 9:28
in General
by Admin

At last we have found some Internet connection at Badminton – apologies for the delay!


It all started right on Thursday with both Oslo & Parklane Hawk trotting up well, looking fantastic under the late afternoon sun.  There was a huge turn out for the trot up and it is a spectacular setting in front of Badminton House.


Yesterday (Friday) was an exciting day for The Fox-Pitt Eventing Partnership as it was Oslo’s day for dressage.  He was early on, drawn 8th and I was very happy with how he performed.  He did some super work to score 45.8.  Although initially we were a little disappointed with his mark, feeling the judges were quite hard with their marking this seemed to be the vein throughout the day and he finished day one in equal 4th, just 2.8 penalties behind the leader, which is more than respectable.


We then had a busy afternoon with the Partnership course walk followed by our very popular Fox-Pitt Eventing Club course walk.  This was well attended as always and really great fun.  Keep a look out in today’s Daily Telegraph for a great piece and picture from journalist Jim White, who joined us.


I have walked the course three times now and as always there are some big questions, particularly towards the end of the course.  The HorseQuest Quarry at fences 3,4 & 5, a big interspace so early in the course is the first big question.  This is followed closely by The Huntsman’s Close and The Lake, which is a big old fashioned rail in, followed by a turning line to a double of Hedgehogs in the water, again a decent question which will require bold but accurate riding.  Late on in the course The Savills Staircase could be influential with fitness playing a big part.  The ground is looking fantastic with great grass cover and the grounds men have been out watering all week so it should be ideal ground come Sunday.


Today it is the turn of Parklane Hawk to do his dressage.  He does his test at 16.26.


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Oslo looking very handsome at Thursdays trot up



Oslo trotting up



Parklane Hawk trotting up

Huge thanks to Julia Shearwood for the great shots.









© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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