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Pau - cross country and show jumping

31-October-2021 20:08
in General
by Admin

Cross country day didn’t quite go to plan with both horses ending up with an irritating 20.  


I had Oratorio first and he did give me a great ride, I had been worried about the twists and turns with him being strong and opinionated.  He started off very well, very nimble and agile. But at the second water he jumped the A element too big and bold and there was no chance of turning so I had to circle.  He had no idea that we had to cross tracks so he thinks he had a clear round. 


What was pleasing is that he felt great after his set back at Bicton and he breezed around the course with no big effort so he is obviously back to his best.  We have no idea exactly what it was that stopped him at Bicton but at least now he is on go for a campaign next season.



This morning he trotted up well and we were first to go in the show jumping and although he rolled two poles he jumped a pleasing round, I had no idea how tight the time would be as I was the guinea pig, so I just had to go for it, and he did the time easily, and gave me a very good feeling over what was a very decent track. 


Little Fire is also on the naughty step as towards the end of a lovely round on Saturday he jumped up the step and ground to a halt at the small angled rail.  I have no idea why he didn’t just step over it, but he decided otherwise.  He has never stopped at a fence in his life so I guess I just have to say that’s horses.  It was extra frustrating as he was giving me a superb ride and was well up on the time.  In our last minute he even had the time to spook at and race the car carrying the camera.   


Today he looked like he had done nothing, and to rub salt in the wound he jumped a classy clear show jumping, making our lost second place even more painful.   


The Pau team did an amazing job getting it all together with covid. Brexit, EHV etc. But everyone there was so positive and made it a lot of fun. 

Some of the stewards and officials there are slightly less fun, but that’s another whole story. 






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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