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Portman Wednesday

04-April-2019 10:04
in General
by Admin

It was Greenfort Gorgeous George’s first outing with me in the 100, he did a very agreeable test but he is quite babyish, and I think due to his outline he only ended up with a 36.  In the show jumping he was very confident but perhaps a bit green.  He had not jumped on grass much so it was all a bit new this year, he had one pole down which was totally acceptable.  He was very genuine and grown up cross country and really enjoyed himself, he found it all nice and easy but did think a few of the hills were rather hard work.  

It was also my first run on Centurian Bay. He did a very pleasing test of 28, he was a little green being in such a small space but he was very sensible and tried hard.  In the show jumping he was greener than I expected, he was very genuine but he was very thrown by all Portman’s half stride distances.  They rather caught him out and he had one down, I am not worried but show jumping will be work in progress.  On the cross country he was a machine and just flew round, he was a lovely ride, he is so lithe and athletic it was all just a breeze.

It is exciting to have the babies out of the start box and they will be on to Larkhill on Saturday which is a quite quick turnaround and will probably surprise them a little.  I am hoping to give them three 100 rounds before their first Novice at Withington. 






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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