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27-August-2019 17:05
in General
by Admin


We had a very successful turnaround to Wellington from Blair.  I was totally spoilt as I can no longer drive the lorry, so I went to sleep on the M6 and woke up next day at Wellington.  I got a full night’s sleep which is a first on that manoeuvre.  Jackie and Hannah got us back from Blair, unloaded the horses, and got a few things sorted at 1am.   Adam was up first thing getting Wellington’s horses ready to be at the event for 8am.  
First on was Emerald Spirit in his first Intermediate, he is a new ride from Joe Roome and is owned and bred by a local friend.  He did a very respectable test and got 29, there was lots to improve but he was settled and tried his best.  He had a couple of rails in the show jumping but actually jumped a very decent round.  He gave me a very decent feel over several but then just clipped a couple which was frustrating.  He coped with the cross country really well, and made it feel nice and easy.  He sometimes loses is length of stride a bit and goes a bit hesitant, but he always feels straight and honest, so he will have come on from that a lot.  He only got a few time faults so that is encouraging.
Next on was Grafennacht, and she did a lovely test overall, a few bits and bobs would have been better and she scored 26 to be in the lead.  She then jumped a super clear show jumping and didn’t breath on a stick.  The show jumping was well up to height so I was pleased with that.  I decided to push on a bit cross country as it was a nice galloping track and the ground was not too bad at all.  They had had the rain and it had dried out, but I felt it was still ok ground.  Here the funniest thing happened of the weekend because I managed to get time faults for going too fast, how embarrassing,  I have never in my career got time faults for going to fast around an Intermediate, there are certain members of my team who think it’s worth celebrating.  Anyway with 0.4 of time faults she still managed to win which is exciting because she is qualified for next year’s Intermediate Championships, it is also her first Intermediate win this year.
Georgisaurous was having his last run before Blenheim, in his second Advanced.  Overall he was quite on his toes, perhaps having enjoyed me being away quite a lot of the last two weeks…..
He did not perform his best dressage, there were a few spooks and mistakes but he still managed to get 31.3.  He then jumped a beautiful clear over a decent course, however he was very electric and distracted so in containing him I ended up with 4 time faults which couldn’t matter less at this stage.  He jumped a lovely clear around the cross country taking on all the direct routes, and felt great.  But he was quite electric and set off like a rocket, so again I had to take him to task and make him behave, particularly ahead of the biggest competition of his career next time out.  
Wellington is always a lovely and very enjoyable event. David and his team do a fantastic job with the courses and the ground, and I always think the courses walk very invitingly but they do surprisingly cause a bit of trouble.  Both Kazu and Lexi managed to hit the deck which was very unexpected, so ironically three out of the four of the yards Blenheim horses have had a fall on their last preparatory runs – watch this space!  I have said all we have to do now is finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd at Blenheim.





© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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