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Tweseldown & Rockingham

26-May-2022 17:14
in General
by Admin



The long trip to Rockingham was well worth it, it is a very special event, everything is done so well and this year the ground on Friday was perfect to boot.


I had two in the BE100 and it was Papillon Noir’s first outing with me for Pep and Robert Glen, so it was a big day. I have had him for a little while now and I really feel he is ready to be out.  He came out very relaxed and did a very sweet dressage to actually be in the lead on a score of 25.  The show jumping arena at Rockingham is quite daunting for a young horse in the middle of the trade stands, and his eyes were certainly out on storks, but he jumped a pleasing clear despite being quite lit up.  On the cross country he felt very good and confident and gave me a lovely ride.  He finished inside the time and with beginners luck managed to take home a win.  I was very happy with how he felt, all the questions at Rockingham were fairly basic so it was a lovely easy first outing, and I am looking forward to seeing how he is tomorrow at Pontispool.


Cayiano also did a very good dressage of 25 which sadly only had him in second place, and with a pleasing double clear that is where he finished.  I am hoping to get several runs into him now and he will then hopefully take everything as a bit less of a ‘big deal’.


Sadly we did Rockingham as a day trip so we didn’t get to stay with Piggy and Tom March, as that is our usual annual catch-up.



After a weekend at home it was then Tweseldown on Monday; Under Oath was out again and this time it was Intermediate and I was delighted with his day.  He did a very nice sensible dressage to score 30, and I couldn’t have been happier with his double clear, and he finished 8th.  I let him run on a bit cross country and he only got 6 time faults, but that was 6 too many to be in the reckoning.  He came out of the run very well and is aiming at Nunney.


I took Yes I Can but I was never planning on running him cross country as Bramham is looming.  His dressage seems good now and he scored 28, he is very confident and beginning to show himself off a little more.  He jumped the show jumping clear as if it was a 100.


Cayiano was out again this time doing the Novice, he did a decent test as usual and scored 24, jumped a double clear and was really very good cross country although I had a stupid run out and decided to retire before the end.  He actually jumped all the decent questions very well and will have come on loads for his outing.


Duke Legacy was having an Open Novice start and was the star of the day finishing third.  He totally should have won but I got two ridiculous time faults cross country.  He did one of the best tests he has done for 25, and was then double clear.  He is now very confident at Novice level and will have one more Novice before possibly going Intermediate at Farley Hall.






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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