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Farley Hall - Intermediates

25-June-2021 19:01
in General
by Admin

The day started off quite well with Georgisaurous.  It was very good to have him out again having had a bit of time off since Aston le Walls.  He did a lovely dressage, was a bit spooky but got 26.  His jumping was back to his normal self and jumped a lovely clear round. And on the cross country, although he got given a 20, he actually went clear. There was a turn in the water to a bench and I realised I couldn’t turn and went on straight and did a circle which you are allowed to do, but the judge thought I presented. All that matters is that George thought we didn’t present so as far as he is concerned he was clear.


Next up was Under Oath who did a nice dressage as well of 26.  The show jumping round was less impressive and he did end up with 3 down which was underwhelming.   On the cross country though he felt good, went very confidently as he had also not had a run for a while having banged a leg on the bank at Cirencester.


Oratorio did a nice dressage of 29, he didn’t jump badly and rolled a couple of poles, and then very bizarrely went lame between jumps on the cross country, so I pulled up.  I have no idea what he has done, he had been jumping very well and I can only guess he gave himself a twist or did something funny in a bit of soft ground.  It was very fortunate that I could feel his stride length go so I brought him quickly back to trot and discovered he was lame without carrying on for too long.  We have got everything crossed that there is nothing too serious.,


Farley Hall is always a terrific event and they had really done a brilliant job changing things around to cope with last week’s wet weather.  We are very lucky indeed that they carried on and ran, and amazingly conditions were actually very good.  Tomorrow I am back with the Novices.





© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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