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Aston and Tokyo

24-July-2021 18:03
in General
by Admin

We had a rather mixed day at Aston.  Grafennacht was having her first outing since Bicton and she had a very good day. Although she was only in the Intermeskate HC she led the dressage on 24. She rolled an annoying pole but jumped a pretty decent round, and she was great fun cross country taking it all in her stride.  The Intermediate course was very nice and the Aston team had done a decent job with the ground, I think they had watered the entire course which was amazing.

Little Fire and Oratorio both were in the Advanced and both did nice dressage tests.  Oratorio’s score looks slightly grim because of jockey error; somehow I managed to go the wrong way twice which was really hopeless. For some reason I had a complete blank and I didn’t feel like I had any excuse.  Apart from one change he actually did a very nice test.  He then jumped a really pleasing show jumping round to go clear and I decided with his owners not to run him cross country.  

The course was great and the ground was level but it just was quite firm.  I am sure I will be corrected but it did not look like it had had the same amount of water on it as the Intermediate course had.  I know we were expecting rain, we had an inch in Dorset overnight, but Aston Le Walls had not had a drop.

Little Fire was on good form, did a lovely dressage and only got 29.9, a rather disappointing score for a very nice performance. The only thing that cheered me up was that he was in the lead.  He then jumped a great show jumping round, he had a stupid pole down, no idea why. I think it is the first time in his career that he has ever knocked a back rail off a parallel with a back leg (boring detail).  I also decided not to take him cross country.

I am hoping for the best of all worlds at Hartpury 4*S, which is their next outing.  If it is a bog then it will serve me right, but they will be running in it!

Tomorrow is ‘off to Tokyo day’.  I am prepared with all my COVID and lateral flow tests, but am not expecting that getting into Tokyo will be too straight forward.  I am looking forward to seeing Kazu and am really hoping he goes well.  I have been told that Team GB have landed in great spirits.  We have a strong team out there and we will be expecting great things from them.  I have just got to decide who I am cheering for!






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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