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14-June-2022 17:20
in General
by Admin

For Yes I Can his Bramham was a very happy show.


His dressage was by no means a failure, he performed very solidly but just not flash enough to get a good score and I was a little disappointed that he only got 34.7, so he was a little bit 'mid-ships'. 


However the cross country was a real Bramham track requiring a lot of bravery and accuracy, and I was delighted with how he tackled the course.  I set out to do the time and to take on the direct route and we very nearly got there.  As far as Yes is concerned he jumped a lovely clear; but at a fairly straight forward corner he was deemed to have jumped outside the flag and we were penalised with 15 penalties.  The flag very much hit my outside foot and in no way did he run out at the corner so I carried on, but his 15 penalties is just one of those things.  He came out of the cross country remarkably well and having had a couple of setbacks I was particularly pleased that he managed to survive the cross country physically. 


The show jumping track was very fair and quite decent, and he really did jump spectacularly with a clear round and moving up into the top 50%.  It was  no mean feat with a 15 penalty and 7 time.


I am now very excited to say he has come out of his run well and his owners and I are looking at his autumn campaign which we hope will climatise in Boekelo.


It was fun that some of this owners could be there and share the excitement, it was very sad that after a bit of time out that not more of the owners could join us.





© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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