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Kentucky - dressage

22-April-2021 20:19
in General
by Admin

 I am really pleased with Oratorio’s dressage, he did a great test with no mistakes and I really couldn’t have asked for much more. He was quite lively today so for him to have gone in to that big arena and behaved so well was a real credit to him. Remember he hasn’t been in a big arena since Badminton 2019 and that is a long time in a horse’s life.

It is very rare to come out and do a test of that level having made no mistakes and he did just that. Of course there were bits and bobs that could have been better. But I really couldn’t have expected much more of him, and I now need to do my job and make sure he finishes on his score of 27.9.  Of course I would have liked a few more marks but for an early Thursday I probably shouldn’t expect much more, I just hope there aren’t too many fancy low 20’s.

The snow has gone but it has been a very chilly day but luckily quite bright.  The forecast is a bit dodgy on Saturday so they are running the 5* in the morning and 4* in the afternoon. So I will be hoping once I have gone for it to turn into a nice soggy day....

The course looks good but it is certainly not a giveaway. It is quite relentless and there are a lot of skinnies, and four big drops into water.  My guess is that it won’t be a dressage show, but we will see.


Thanks to lead sponsors Jeep, and to Margie Shoop for the photos






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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