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Burnham Market - cross country day

19-September-2020 16:57
in General
by Admin

Happily it was mission accomplished.  Grafennacht delivered a very good confident clear and has got closer to gaining her 5* qualification.  She went all the direct routes and felt very confident all the way. I wasn’t in a hurry and she came back with 14 time faults which is what I was expecting.  The course was generally a little bit straightforward (certainly easier than Burgham), and she came out of it very well so fingers crossed for tomorrow.

The course rode generally well but 10% were eliminated for a fall, which is interesting as the course was certainly not demanding.  A couple of the interesting fences rode very well and most horses found the course quite straight forward. My only thought is that it would be worrying as a straight forward course like that does qualify you for Badminton, and jumping around Burnham Market does not mean next stop Badminton!
They had worked hard on the ground which was mostly very acceptable in the end.  They had spiked nearly all of it and that certainly made a difference. So fingers crossed the horses won’t have jarred themselves up too much.  The jumping tomorrow will be very influential as it is so tight at the top, I think the top 12 horses are within one show jump, so I am sure they will build an interesting track.  For her qualification I think Grafennacht is allowed 5 down so fingers crossed.
Lexi also had a very pleasing round, and did a great clear. She was also not in a huge hurry as if she had been inside the time she wouldn’t be lying currently up in the top 12. She got 12 time faults and she and I are now neck and neck.
It has been another lovely bright and breezy day so fingers crossed for the same tomorrow, and fingers crossed that I jump early enough that I can make my flight to Germany for training Monday and Tuesday.




© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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