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Yard update

17-April-2020 17:33
in General
by Admin

We are all ticking along nicely here at Wood Lane and are rather now waiting for the next decision in three weeks time.  

Horses are on very good form and now all have a Plan B, they are working fairly gently just keeping things varied and quite light hearted.  It is a good opportunity to work on some dressage and we have been doing a few dressage tests to practice putting all the movements together.  We are obviously not doing much jumping but the odd gymnastic exercise is sometimes very much needed.  It is still hard to know what to do as there are still no plans.  We are certainly hoping there will be an autumn season, but as we know that could well not happen.
All the team here are doing a great job keeping up morale.  Sadly Lena is going to go back to Germany when she can.  She had come here particularly to see the English way of Eventing, and she is feeling very guilty that as a Doctor she should perhaps be helping on the medical front in Germany.
I hope before long that we will be able to have some visits from our Trainers, we are really missing not having Tracie Robinson down, and we are well overdue for our Ros Morgan visit.
As a bit of an 'adventure' the Fox-Pitt family now run the yard for one day a week, Alice's idea of course.  We gave the team a day off for the last couple of weeks, and we did the horses today which was actually quite fun and not too stressful, even Jackie survived the experience!  So now we seem to be the Friday morning 'mucker -outers' and whilst the horses are now largely in the field, it is not too bad and it does give everyone a bit of a lie in.
We are also trying to keep Youtube up and running, and we have covered a few aspects on the yard with some horses all working quietly.  We have hit our level of  5000 subscribers so now we are 'official'.
We have had four incredibly dry weeks so happily all the horses are now having time out, that has certainly helped diffuse a few situations. Typically now the ground is getting a bit firm and we could do with a touch of rain to soften it and to get the grass growing.  It is hard to believe that a month ago they cancelled a waterlogged Tweseldown.
It is cheering us up also to know that had we been at Burnham Market it would probably have been too firm to have run many......
I am sure it won't be long before our next update, hope everyone keeps well.




© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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