

Eventing Club

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Take a look at our calendar and see what William is up to.


And so 2020 begins

13-January-2020 18:46
in General
by Admin

2020 here we are…. the yard is completely full, and as of tonight there is not one space.


I have got 9 horses in and 2 youngsters to be sold.  Kazu has got 4, my team here have got 3, and we have 2 hunters, Bella of Roxburgh Eventing has got 4, Nana Dalton has 1, and there is Oslo still here from his holidays!   They are now mostly walking with their shoes on, although apart from Georgisaurous who was clipped today they all look very wild and woolly.  The work programme is picking up and we will have to sit tight come February.


The team is nearly back up to full force now.  We have got Jackie, Adam, Lexi, Alex and Dan.  We have no hopefully found three people to fill the spaces who will fit in.  I will introduce them more at a later date, but we have got Belle who has done her two week trial, Ella is starting hers next week, and Lena will be coming in due course.


There haven't been too many winter excitements so far.  I am heading to France at the end of this month to do a clinic with Cyril Gavrilovic.  I am then planning to make a couple of trips to the States in February - I have been asked to compete at Showcase competitions at Wellington and Aiken, which will be fun.  Team Training will be hitting off in February, and luckily Tracie is coming down at the end of January to start putting things back in place.


The season promises to be quite busy and my Event Plan will soon be 'out there’.  I am hoping to ride two at Badminton and then several at Tattersalls, and maybe Bramham as well, so lots of excitement……


Adam, Lexi and Alex will obviously have their own event plans and they have all got big targets.


So, before you know it, the season will be upon us.  





© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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