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Barbury and Tweseldown

12-July-2021 17:42
in General
by Admin


Apologies for the delay, I seem to have had quite a busy weekend with plenty of travel but didn’t actually get to ride many horses.  Friday started with a Novice at Barbury with Duke Legacy who had another very consistent day.  He did a very nice dressage and scored 31 which was a little disappointing.  He then jumped a very pleasing clear in the Barbury main arena, and then he had a good clear cross country with 7 time faults but the time was quite difficult to get, so he actually went at quite a good gallop.  We finished a bit down the order but that certainly doesn’t take away from how well he went. 


I then had Under Oath doing the 3* Dressage, his test went very smoothly apart from a wobble in the simple change and scored 26 which had him in 2nd place.  Show jumping didn’t quite go to plan with 3 down however he really didn’t jump badly so I have got to put my thinking cap on, because 3 down is too many.



The highlight of my weekend was Tweseldown on Sunday and Cayiano who was doing his first ever event, he was in a 5yo class so perhaps the competition wasn’t too tough.  He did a very sweet dressage with just a few wobbles and got 27, which had him in 2nd place.  His show jumping round was a good clear, he really jumped some of the jumps and we wasn’t too spooky, so luckily the jumps were quite low.  The cross country course was also very inviting and straight forward, and he really impressed me with how he just seemed to take everything on.  He was very honest and brave, he just was a bit 'eyes out on stalks' and jumped some fences very big.  He was as green as he could be to even be there, so I was really pleased with his attitude.  He was not there for speed so I didn’t hurry him and got a leisurely 11 time faults which dropped him down to 6th place, but as a first event in his career I could not have asked for much more.






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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