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Badminton - Saturday update

06-May-2023 13:44
in General
by Admin

We all arrived a day later this year which in itself was quite strange, and into the new lorry park where we all are together.  We used to park in the village in Liz Beattie’s back paddock, and rather enjoyed the odd hot bath! 

The rain had momentarily stopped so morale was on the up, however it was not for long and the trot up was partly done in a deluge.  Happily Grafennacht didn’t mind, and trotted up really well, she looked a picture.  Jackie and Stefan had done a brilliant job with her turnout.

Eric Winter has designed an amazing course with lots of variety and questions, my main negative is the pin he has used at the rail into the lake, there will be a lot more discussion on that to come.  

Grafennacht arrived feeling on fantastic form and was quite on her toes.  We had a very good session with Tracie Robinson yesterday and Grafennacht was doing some lovely work.

Today the rain was back with a vengeance and warm up for dressage was performed in every waterproof under the sun.  Grafennacht was still very on her toes but doing some good work. I had no idea what to expect when she went into the ring to do her first 5* test in a big arena, but she did not let me down.  She did as good a test as I could have hoped and got a very respectable 25.  She didn’t make a single mistake and I could not have been happier with her attitude. There will be more to come as she gets more confidence and strength, but certainly she couldn’t have given me more today.

After her test was a bit of coronation watching, and I am now walking the course with Yogi Breisner, out of everybody he knows me best and will hopefully set me on the right foot for tomorrow.  We are all praying for no more rain. 

The girls have arrived with Hannah, and the boys are coming later with Oli behind the wheel having passed his test.  They are having a well earned minor distraction before A’levels and GCSE’s consume them.






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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