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02-October-2020 17:43
in General
by Admin

What a revolting day today was.  Poor Dauntsey really suffered the worst, and Beanie and Rupert did not deserve the first downpour for weeks.  


I only had two rides, Oratorio and Summer at Fernhill.  It was Oratorio’s last run of 2020, so he will happily be in his field tomorrow.  It was only his fourth run but I really feel that the one’s he has had have been valuable, and it was great today on nice soft ground to let him run on a bit for the first time.  He did a lovely dressage and got 26, but we were in the competitive OI section so that was a little bit off the pace.  It is not often that I have been lying in 12th position on a dressage score of 26.  He jumped a really good clear show jumping, used himself well and coped nicely with the muddy patches.  The cross country was a strong Intermediate track and I was surprised at how much control I had.  I let him run on a bit and he came back very politely.  He had one funny moment when he tripped on the road crossing.  He must have landed in a mud patch and he almost came down and was very good to carry on, seamlessly, on his straight line.  He got 6 time faults and finished 6th and that brings his total earnings of 2020 to £101.  I guess next stop is Badminton, and if that isn’t happening, maybe Kentucky or Luhmuhlen as at least they can run behind closed doors as there seems no way Badminton can.


Summer at Fernhill went nicely enough in the dressage, but with a few unsettled moments meant he ended up on a 30.  He then did a very pleasing double clear and the brakes were working well, so ahead of Thoresby next week I am feeling confident.  


Beanie and Rupert have done amazingly with the Intermediate track and riders must give them real credit for managing to secure sponsorship and a £1,000 first prize for the Intermediate section in such a tricky financial climate, they did particularly well to pull off the deal.  Fingers crossed for no more rain so that they can run over the weekend.  


It is Thoresby next stop for Team Fox-Pitt and let's hope the rain means some good ground.






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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