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Thoresby 4*S

02-April-2023 20:05
in General
by Admin

Given the state of the UK and the rainfall it was a miracle that Thoresby ever happened.  I am naturally very grateful that it did because I managed to get my necessary qualification for Kentucky or Badminton, but a lot of people pulled out, some after the dressage,some didn't even go, and that was a real disappointment for the event.


Grafennacht was on top form, she was quite surprised to be the only one on the lorry as she is used to being part of a gang.  Her dressage was very pleasing and she scored 29.9, she was quite bright and on her toes and managed a little jog in her walk, but even so she put in a decent test.  They had moved the show jumping out of the arena onto some better ground, and I was very pleased with her round.  She jumped really well just clipping the third part of the treble where she found the distance a bit short, on the cross country she felt like she has always done - she found the course very easy and jumped around for fun.  It was a good course, Stuart Butine had put in some interesting fences and it was by no means easy, and in my opinion it was a very good set-up for your big plan.


So I have got the decision now whether to take her to Kentucky off that run, or whether I give her another run at Burnham Market and take her to Badminton.  I am not used to having such a choice and I will have to sleep on it for a couple of days.


Stuart Buntine and his team at Thoresby did an incredible job getting the event off the ground.  Conditions were really stacked against everyone and they really did a fantastic job making it happen.  The team seemed in surprisingly good form and we were very lucky to have had Thoresby 2023.






© 2013 William Fox-Pitt. Photos copyright of William Murray in partnership with Fox-Pitt Eventing. With contributions from Kit Houghton, Fiona Scott-Maxwell, Julia Shearwood, Gavin Hudspith, Ian Loveland & Adam Fanthorpe.

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